
Sunday, October 30, 2011

A flashy camera, wedding, and vegas trip

The New Year came in a Flash... or is that with a flash, as Ricky got engaged and asked me to do the photography.  His wedding sparked a return of "Katie the Photographer" as I bought a DSLR after my poor Nikon N90 became obsolete in this new digital age.  While happy to be shooting again, I feel like a small fish in a BIG ocean.  So much to learn!  Fun to have a connection to the 'old me' though.

Ricky and Langi were sealed in Los Angeles, California... so we got to have a family trip! All of Tino's Utah siblings were able to attend, as well as his parent's who are currently serving as Temple President in Tonga.  It was very fun to be together on that big day.
The Hopoate clan, mostly siblings with a few cousins.
On our way home we decided to take a break in Vegas and stayed at a nice condo (thanks to Louis and his in-laws).We swam, ate, and watched the water show at the Bellagio.  Ity was very relaxing after the responsibilities and protocols of the wedding.

A clogged Blog...

Blogger and I haven't been getting along... but thanks to my sister's help, I am back in the game. I noticed how nice it was to look back through the years and see pictures and small notes about the family, visits, and traditions... I don't want to stop blogging now! I also don't want to leave anything out... so here is a brief photo-journal of the past year multi-post style. :).