As we look back at the year 2008, we realize how blessed we are to be able to see so much of our family and friends! We had a healthy, happy year and hope for more in this new year. We hope the best for all of you.(This is a LARGE post. I wanted to record all that happened to us this year as we only started blogging in October. Remember this is my family journal!)
Tino and his brothers, Louis and Hunter left the cold February winter for some fun in the sun with his family there. Dad Hopoate also received a distinguished alumni award from BYUH and they were there to support him.
Tino standing near Shark's Cove.
Upon his return he presented the girl's with their gifts from the islands. They were almost as excited for the gifts, as they were to see their daddy!
The happy couple reunited!
Nani tried out Spring Soccer...a cold and interesting adventure! The first day on the field she stood there crying... not wanting to come out, but not sure what to do with herself! As you can see though, by the end of Spring Soccer, she was all smiles! A future career? She says she is DONE with soccer.

For Tino's birthday we were able to sneak away to Salt Lake City and just be US. It was wonderful, and we had no concerns for our children as they were safe with their loving Aunty Keauhea.

Tino enjoying sweet silence at the dinner table, and the opputunity to eat his own meal without having to share.
The girls on Easter Sunday.

An April Conference visit from Papa.

On May 25th we celebrated Samara's 1st birthday.

We were all able to go the the carnival right near our house and play. This is my brave 2 and 4 year old about to go on the rollercoaster...ALONE. Nani was so excited and Kea was not so sure saying" I dont want to...but I do!" We all have had that feeling before. She went for it last minute and was so cute happily screaming away.

In May we were able to meet the entire Crippen family in Southern Utah for Camp Sunbum. We broke all typical Crippen tradition's by staying in hotels and playing all day on fun, and crazy toys (thanks Haltermans). This was a reunion that will not soon be forgotten.


Katie and Samara at the Farm.

In May we also had to say goodbye to Justin, Amelia (aka Aimee), and Zach Low. They were are Utah buddies and babysitters and are STILL missed.

A Happy Daddy on Father's Day!

We were blessed to celebrate the 4th of July with the Utah Crippen's as well as my 2 Canadian Crippen Cousins. The girls loved cousin Marc, and enjoyed listening to cousin Matt play. They are both so talented!

Tino and Samara all tuckered out from the parade in Provo.
Instead of watching fireworks, we lit our own at Chris' place, and enjoyed a yummy flag cake.

This past Summer we were also able to enjoy a trip to California and even make history as we rode the same ferry that my dad first offered a free ride to my mom. If they only knew then that they would become parents of 6 and grandparents of 22!

Tino's baby brother Ricky left in July to learn spanish in the MTC and to serve a mission for the LDS church in Los Angeles, California.

Katie's baby brother Cody also entered the MTC to prepare for his mission in Calgary Canada.

A very exciting reunion for me... I found my best friend Nichole from elementary school, via facebook. We were able to meet up and surprised ourselves with the commonality we still both shared!

September 6th we were able to celebrate Nani's 5th birthday with a trip to the Zoo.

A happy 3 year old!!! Kea was jumping for joy at the chance to 'go bowling ball' for her birthday on October 15.

Nani started taking a Tahitian Dance class led by an old friend from BYUH, unlike Soccer... she was all smiles from the 2nd minute!

A fall visit from the Southwick family. Madison, Nani, and Cameron cuddle on the couch.

Another visit from Papa and Gramma ended up the year. Here Kea gives Papa a massage.

They brought along two stow-a-ways, Elaisaane and Tehani Hopoate from Hawaii.

We met up with old college friends, Kim and Koa Lum and their daughters Malaya and Sidney to celebrate the end of the year.
We are so thrilled for 2009 and the fun, family, and adventure that comes with each new day. (as demonstrated by miss photogenic Samara...I was going for cute - HAH!)