
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hopoate Family Reunion 2011... and a baby!

We decided to get together and hold a 2 day reunion with the Hopoate family that was here in Utah.  we went to Yuba lake and had a GREAT time.  It is nice to get away from it all... of course, that didn't happen with the Hopoates.  (We still had a freezer, fans, and tv/dvd)  :)
Glen relaxing in the lake.
Samara scouting out the campground.
Tino and Kea sleeping after spending the day out in the water.
S'more fun.

Tino and I found out we were expecting a baby and decided to let the girls in on the secret.  We 'celebrated' with juice in fancy plastic glasses.

Here's to a new little Hopoate in March 2012!

Independence Day... more than a one day celebration when you live in Utah!

In Utah, they LOVE the 4th of July.  Between fireworks, parades, and festivals, it lasts for a few days!
Watching the fireworks just outside of the stadium of fire with Louis and his family, the Crippen kids, and Cody and Jessica.
Not our best shot... but proof that we were there!
Little Aubree knocked out on her Uncle Cody.

Uncle Louis brought glow necklaces for everyone.
We woke up early and went to the balloon festival in Provo, and then head over to the parade.

There were awesome balloons there... piggy banks, and even a Darth Vadar one!

It was all so beautiful until a gust of wind started blowing and caused the balloons to not be able to take off.  Major bummer.  :(

The Crippens and our friend Scott joined us to watch the parade.
Little posers! (hey byuh peeps, recognize the face of the man in the background?  Small-small  world.)
Kea marching along to the music.
The Hopoate family loves the USA!
Tino and Samara got a little tired and sought out the shade.

When we got hoe from the parade... we were HOT.  Tino quickly fixed that problem by pulling out the house and getting us all a little wet.  :)  he and Louis added that house and faucet down in our garage... and we love having access to water outside.
The freedom fun continued as we headed over to the Crippen's for a BBQ, slip n slide, and firework fun.

Tino in his natural habitat.  :) 
Freedom flag and firework cupcakes!
Watching their Big Cousins light up the fireworks.
Playing with Sparklers... in our matching outfits.  :)  Nancy made both Samara and I clothes for our birthday... She and her 2 boys also have matching outfits.

It was a busy, fun-filled celebration.  Thanks to all those who fought to allow us our freedoms!

Summertime! 2011

Hanging out with their Daddy, the bishop at our ward Luau.
Macey's did a fun bug's picnic activity for children. For my three girls who talk about growing up to be bakers... this was a dream come true.

"Diaper Ninjas" A funny moment with the girls.

Pudding painting... easy, fun, and DELICIOUS!
Lani, Tino's niece, spent most of the summer with us, and was such an easy-going girl that we loved having her with us.
Fishing in Provo Canyon with the girl cousins Lani, Ilaisa'ane, and Tehani.
The best bait... Velveeta cheese!
Good catch Kea!

Sunday Blanket houses... ah the memories.  Tino is a busy man these days, yet he is such a great dad.  He loves to play with his girls, and although his quantity of time is short... his quality of time is definitely there.  :)