Always a fun month, April brought us warmth, Nani's dance recital, Easter Holiday fun, and family time with the Havea's and Grammy.

We bought the girl's matching hawaiian dresses on our trip and they looked so adorable I wanted to take a picture... 13 shots later, and literally CHASING the girls around the house, I threw them on the floor and captured some of the sweetest, sincere smiles ever. Love it!

Nani joined a Tahitian dance class led by my friend from BYUH, Gaylene, a sweet and talented woman. They held their recital on the Saturday befor Easter, and they did so well. The girls are ages 5-11, and are some of the prettiest girls I have ever seen!

The little ones... Pisila, Lupe, and Nani.


An all-time favorite, dying eggs! I did let Samara in on the fun as well... she colored one egg, spilled the yellow dye, crumbled up three hard-boiled eggs, and declared herself DONE.

Nani joined a Tahitian dance class led by my friend from BYUH, Gaylene, a sweet and talented woman. They held their recital on the Saturday befor Easter, and they did so well. The girls are ages 5-11, and are some of the prettiest girls I have ever seen!

It was real fun as a mom to see my little girl dressed up so beautifully. As a BYUH alumni, I could just see the future... my little girl dancing at the PCC and such...

Pisila and Nani, buddies from preschool 07-08.

Nani girl! (Nani means beautiful in hawaiian) We were especially proud of Nani this day, as she overcame her fear of performing infront of people, and actually did it happily!

Everyone wants to be like Nani now!


An all-time favorite, dying eggs! I did let Samara in on the fun as well... she colored one egg, spilled the yellow dye, crumbled up three hard-boiled eggs, and declared herself DONE.

Cow-girl Kea.

Haha... this one just makes me laugh.
Drason was fun to watch... you could sense he was a bit scared about riding the horses... but he wouldn't let on to it. He sat there telling himself and others that he wasn't scared, and was real excited about it. I was impressed, I wish I could coach myself through my fears like he could!

This is just a personal addition... look familiar to any of you?!?!

Dallin was very brave about feeding the goats... but wasn't too keen on goat drool.

Tino, Drason, Samara, Nani, and Dallin
Dallin's horse looks a bit tired hmm?

Haha... this one just makes me laugh.

This is just a personal addition... look familiar to any of you?!?!

Mom came at the end of April for Women's Conference at BYU. I got to go with her, and was really rejuvinated by the spirit, girl-time, and the uplifting talks. The girl's love their Grammy,and enjoyed the time they had with her. Samara loves her Grammy too, but cracks me up as each time she sees her she says "Where Papa?"