The Family Garden
We have always enjoyed planting a small garden... but after moving into our condo space got a little too tight. I did plant a bit last year, but got a scolding from the HOA president :) So this year we combined with Tino's sister and planted a great big family garden in her backyard.

It really does feel so good to work outside in the dirt. I'm sure those of you with yards wish for a break...but for us with no yard, it was great fun. I am excited for the kids to work along side us and reap the bounty (I hope) that is already growing. Thanks Sondra for sharing your yard!
Our California May Get-away!
A tuckered out Zach and Samara share a horsey ride on Balboa Island.
We Never miss a chance to ride the Balboa Island Ferry, it is part of our family history, and just a fun slow ride.
A sister picture... minus one. Carrie, Amelia, and me.

The girls getting up close with a sea lion on the beach. The extra child?... That is Luana Eliaba, We got to see Jolene on this trip as well!

A better view of Nani, Kea, Luana, and Samara's head.
May Birthdays...

A Birthday Party for Austin at the house that we use to live and work at, the Alpine House.

Nothing makes a kid smile like cake and icecream!

Kea's new closed mouth smile...

And we had a birthday girl of our own! Samara is now a big 2 year old. She is s much fun, and just makes us smile with her words and ways...Nothing like a 2 year old!