This June we had to say goodbye to The Naiata family as they decided to move back home to Tonga. We had a small gathering, ate a lot, and skipped rope, (so we could eat more without feeling guilty!) We are happy for them...but sad for ourselves...we miss them all! Keauhea is Tino's older sister, and just a bunch of fun to be around. She is also the mom of the only other Utah girl cousins (except baby Aubree), so my 3 are now surrounded by boys! We wish the best to them all.
This is half of Pita and Lani Hopoate's children... Keauhea and her family, Sondra and her family, Hunter and his-self, Louis and his family, and Tino and his family.

I started reminiscing about the years we got to share here together, and found a few pictures to remember them by...(no 04-05 though...we didn't have digital yet!)

A trip to the Farm with Gramma, Sondra, and Keauhea... is she shooting that horse?!? 'You can take the girl from the island...but not the island from the girl!' That horse could feed the whole island kingdom!

Baby Keandra's blessing. We were lucky to have family from both sidesthere, as well as are good friends Malu, and BJ and Anuhea Fieeiki.

This is 2005, with Peter, Tonu, Latricia, Clayton, Nani, and baby Kea.

Tricia and Nani, just a couple of bathing beauties!

This was a family home evening with everyone, including Papa and Gramma visiting from Guam. That is Dallin and Nani riding Drason and Tonu. Crazy how fast they grow!

The complete Hopoate clan back in 2004.

Little Nani and Tricia on Papa's back, and that is Lofty riding Clayton

Another of Tricia and Nani... Keauhea and her family had just moved into their new home, and the park wasn't even officially open, but we decided to try it out anyway.

Peter was the first baby born here in Utah, he is now a spunky almost 5 year old!

Keauhea was a great sister-in-law, always willing to host a party, or babysit our children. They all love their Auntie.

Ricky's high school graduation, Louis, Keauhea, Stamis, Tino, Hunter, and...some cousins I guess? were all there to support him.

A year later we sent Ricky off on his mission.

boys blowing bubbles... too cute!

The diva...Mina, Keauhea's youngest

I believe this is July 4th 2007, a special day for American's AND Tongan's...we celebrate our independence, and they celebrated the King's birthday!

Clayton, Drason, Tonu, and Peter happy they found some boy toys at our house. We dont have too much of that stuff lying around...

Tricia and Nani all ready for sledding in the New year 2008.

The Hopoate family loves our outings to Chuck-a-rama or Golden Corral for an all-you-can-eat feast...the best part? They give us a banquet room, so the kids can be a little crazy, and we can still stay long to talk...and yes, eat some more!

One of our outings to Golden Corral, also pictured is Papa Pita's older brother and his family.


Yet ANOTHER picture of Nani and Tricia...what are we going to do without Tricia!!!

The Utah cousins with their Hand-some Grandpa!

Keauhea with Peter, Mina, and Tricia.

Peter looks like he will be working at the PCC as a fire dancer!

Welcoming Baby Dustin Havea!

The proud big brothers and cousins all want to see!

umm...I told you we like to go to Buffets!

All the Hopoate girls...(except Lani).

A bigger goodbye picture...

Family fun at Keauhea's home.

After Christmas Dinner


Tricia and Nani... not so little anymore!

Mina, Saane, and me...looking our best!

An adorable picture of the Naiata girls... (yes...we are at a buffet again!)

Playing at the mall... something you do in Utah when the snow falls!

Sondra and Dex at our farewell party.

Skipping rope after dinner. The grown-ups taught the little ones how it was done in Tonga..."1,2,3..."

Kea and Mina. Kea is older than Mina by 5 months, but has always been smaller. Mina will make a great middle-blocker!

We will miss you... :(