This year for Halloween we enjoyed many fun activities that make 'trick-or-treating' just a sideshow! Nani has known for months that she was going to be a spider. We decided that we could have all the girls as different bugs, (I know, I know...spiders are not bugs). Kea wanted to be a ladybug and Samara wanted to be a butterfly. Well as October approached things changed. We found Samara a cute froggy outfit for super cheap at a thrift store here. When we put it on her she started hopping around the floor saying "wibbit," in the cutest way. We were sold. Kea saw a supergirl costume and REALLY wanted to be her. I tried to convince her onto another costume, because I wouldn't spend that kind of money on an outfit for everyday wear! Well, with Daddies help, supergirl won. Nani decided they still went together though..."The froggy is trying to eat the Spider, and Supergirl saves her." Cute. :)

We enjoyed a church Fall carnival, and trunk-or-treating!

This may be a mommy favorite...but I love how Samara steps up 'like a big girl' and just says her thing. If you need a translation "My name is Samara and I am a froggy."

At Nani's school They had a costume parade!

Nani's class all dressed up.

Nani and her buddy Priscilla. They also dance Tahitian together.

Nani was so proud to have her little sister's there! She went and gave them a hug all on her own. :) Sweet mommy moment!

After Nani's parade I took Kea and Samara to our Library storytime for their Halloween party

As you can see...they liked it.

Everybody got there own pumpkin to carve this year.

Initially they were a bit grossed out by the scooping of the pumpkin guts... but that feeling quickly left and they ended up practically BATHING in it!


Like I said...'practically bathing in it'. Eewww.

Trick or treat time! This is a shot of the girls with their finished jack-o-lantern. Nani carved hers all by herself for the first time. Kea gave her pumpkin cheeks and a poke-in monster face. Samara got the happiest looking pumpkin we could make...she doesn't like scary things. :)

Supergirl to the rescue!!!

Kea's depiction of what a supergirl looks like.

Samara the Frog.

Trick or treating at the's a provo thing.

Daddy and his girlies.

A more recent picture of the newest cousin, Aevah.(Ava)

Aevah reminds me a bit of Kea as a baby, similar eyes and mouth.

Keandra, 4 years old.

A fall picture of the 975 south crew.

On a beautiful Sunday I asked Samara to go put on her shoes...She comes back and asked, "Do these match mom?"

A baby is a popular thing!
This may be a mommy favorite...but I love how Samara steps up 'like a big girl' and just says her thing. If you need a translation "My name is Samara and I am a froggy."
Trick -or-treat!
Pumpkin spa!