Woohoo! It's Summertime!!!!!

Whether it is a lake, a pool, or a puddle, these kids LOVE the water. Our neighbors got a blow-up pool that has been a lot of fun for everyone.

These three were just so darn cute... and although I was unable to capture 'happy face cute' this picture sure has character! We enjoyed a picnic lunch with the Crippen grandparents and the Crippen family.

We had a ward Luau with great food and dances... including our girls doing the Hukilau. Sadly, Only Nani and Samara were able to perform because Kea got hurt right before going on to dance. I didn't get to watch or take pictures either because I was comforting Kea. They sure looked cute though. In my next post there will be more on their dancing.
Camping with the Crippens and the Manti Pageant

Year after year we talk about going to the Manti Pageant with the Crippen family... and year after year time passes and before we know it, it's over. Not this year! We booked a spot at the same campground I went to as a child, and watched the Manti pageant that night.

We played,

We swam,

We sat,

We splashed,

We smiled,

We waited,
(Then walked the 12 minutes back to camp each of us carrying a tired child in our homemade blanket slings... later on we wondered why we were sore, and then recalled the LONG walk back. My props to the Mormon pioneers!)

We Hiked,

We Viewed,

And of course... We ate.
Tino and Katie's 8th Wedding Anniversary

After our fun camping trip, Chris' family loaded up our 3 girl's in their monster van(bringing their kid count to 10), and Tino and I began our anniversary date. We walked main street Manti for a bit, checked out a Sanpete County art exhibit, and then drove the 'scenic route' home, with no kids in tow. We got beautiful and headed out to remember those things we loved when it was just the 2 of us in Hawaii.

Here we are! Young, happy, and in love.
Favorites? Kua'aina burger, Shark's cove, Walking Waikiki and watching the local artists, playing games at Dave and Busters, Matsumoto's shave ice, going to the beach, bodyboarding, Old Spaghetti factory, Cruising the island, shopping (well, at least I always enjoyed that), and just being together.

Here we are now, kind-of Young, mostly happy, and more in love then ever.
Our little Hula girls...

Poor thing was so tired that she knocked out right before her performance, but Samara was a 'true showman' and pulled herself together for her show at 'the old-folks home'.

They were all so brave, and for what they missed step wise, they made up for in cuteness...

Posing afterward in their Tahitian costume.
I have tried to teach the girls that they can use their talents for the benefit of others. What a perfect example as they brought smiles to the faces of all who watched their dancing. Thanks Siona, for sharing your talent with my girls!

I also got the opportunity to watch all the Crippen kids for a night and a day. What a sweet and helpful family they are. I think they enjoyed having extra girls in the house and even allowed for beauty makeovers! What troopers! It was fun to be Aunty Katie, and Aubree really took a liking to me. I'll do it again... anyday. :)