This is one of the first years that we have really enjoyed summer in Utah... It is a wonderful place with a lot to see and do.

The girls and their dad had Daddy-Daughter time up at Bridal Veil Falls in the Provo Canyon. They love to go up there and throw pebbles in the water, climb on rocks, and splash in the shallow but cold water.

We spent most of our Saturdays at Utah Lake with Kalea, the new Hawaiian Outrigger canoe club. My friend from college, Siona and her in-laws purchased an outrigger canoe, fixed it up, and a club was formed! I was so excited to be part of the team... it was a dream realized as I always wanted to join a team when we lived in Kaimuki. We would all meet, potluck, and play the day away!

Just a typical Saturday afternoon at the lake... if I squinted I felt like we were back in the islands!

The kids would all patiently wait their turn to get a ride around the Harbor...

Here is the team in action! Tino is in the #2 spot. It takes a lot of team work as well as individual strength to paddle. It is a lot of fun.

Eew! I know! But they sure had a good time!

Uncle Mike (Siona's father-in-law) would bring a tiny paddle and an old surfboard for the kids to play with. Future Kalea canoe paddlers in the making!

Tino and I would actually get to go out together since their were so many 'uncles and aunties' around! Gotta love the Hawaiian way! I was often in the 1st postion, which is the person who sets and keeps the pace. Best part about it??? The view. :)

Samara being cute...

Daddy and Daughters after a good ride.

We also enjoyed getting together and playing together and of course, eating together. :)

The keikis at uncle Lincoln's house.

Cousins make great couch buddies! Kea and Aubree really enjoy each other.

This is my neighbor Nancy... a very talented friend. Our kids spent the summer playing together for the 3rd summer in a row. Nancy and I decided to make a quilt for our other neighbor who recently had a baby.

With Siona as their teacher; Nani, Kea and Samara learned dances from the islands. They all looked so cute in their costumes it didn't matter if they forgot some of their steps. :) On July 4th they did a performance at the freedom festival in Provo.

It was a great summer!