
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Nani turns 6!!!!!

Nani is such a beautiful, fun, intelligent little girl who loves to make people smile. She enjoys dancing, bugs, animals, riding her bike, playing with friends and cousins, reading, and drawing. She is so caring, especially to her parents and to animals. She has dreams of becoming a doctor/nurse, a dentist, a veterinarian, or a beautician. (all 'caring' professions!)
Nani was all smiles from the moment she woke up!

The "angels" dancing to primary music as we wait for church time.

We normally let the children choose their birthday dinner...but when this girl started talking about wanting 'those big crab legs' we had to draw the line. :) That was a busy saturday, so luckily she was happy with what I had on hand. We owe you a fish dinner Nani!

The Cake! I always have high hopes for decorating beautiful cakes...but at 8pm, the pressure is on. I found a cool trick though. Soften starburst candy in the microwave and you can 'cookie-cutter' it into all kinds of shapes and such. Too bad we only had 3 candies! She thought it was all great.

Hopoate girls on a sugar high! After blowing out the candles I asked Nani what she wished for... she replied, "The same thing I always wish for...a puppy!" That is a wish I would love to grant... we just need a yard.

I love watching Samara in this video...2 year olds rock! (atleast most of the time).

Labor day/Nani's Birthday BBQ at the park with the Hopoate clan
I had a full camara all I captured was the Pinata...and a few of the children.
Baby Dexton had the honor of the first swing...

Kea gives it a good whack!

Austin's daddy making it hard for the little guy... (look at all the anticipation behind him!)

Nani, blindfolded and bare-foot almost knocks Hello Kitty's body off!


Mommamia said...

What a cute bunch of kids...especially the ones with dark hair!

Mommamia said...

Happy Birthday to Nani-6 going on 16! You are all sooooo beauatiful and cute and make us so happy!