Amelia and her family drove down in May when my parent's were coming into town. We had a fabulous '3 Youngest kids reunion' starting with a delicious stop to Tucanos. This is when I encouraged Cody to apply... he got an application, dragged his feet, and later got a job.
You're welcome Cody!

The little girls dancing to music in a beautiful gazeebo while music played... quite magical actually. :)
Cody, me, Aimee, and Justin. Full and happy!

We went on a grown up date to eat and play together. Dad, Mom, Chris, Sherelda, Tino, Katie, Amelia, Justin, Cody, and his new girlfriend (now fiance) Jessica. There is nothing more fun then haning out with the family you love, being free from responsibilities of being a parent. Loved it.
We had a number of hoops competitions... Here is mom, cheering on her #1 man. :)

Samara got a bike for her birthday!! Funny story... I love a bargain, and as Samara's birthday drew near I began checking the classifieds to find a nice used bike for a great price. I saw this adorable Pink princess bike and helmet for $30.00 and decided to go and check it out. The problem, I took Samara with me. When we got there and the lady showed me a faded , torn seat, missing one training wheel bike that looked NOTHING like the picture I had seen I was ready to walk away. Not Samara. It was 'love at first sight'. She was so pleased with it, that I decided to take it and the helmet anyway... (for $25.00) and fix it up. Turns out that after buyig new training wheels, a basket, and horn, I spent more on it then I would have buying a new one! Great Bargain. :) We never could get the training wheels to go on, so...

... we decided to see if Kea could ride a 2 wheeler and let her use the pink one for awhile. Imagine my surprise as I put Kea on the bike, offered some encouraging words, and she took off out of my hands and rode the bike with no problem.
She is a fearless girl, and my back thanks her for learning to ride a bike so easily.
So long story short... Samara rode Kea's purple bike with training wheels, and Kea rode Samara's pink bike without. Problem solved. (Update, Samara learned to ride a 2 wheeler in September, and is now back on her pink bike).

The Low's joined us at the Lake to see the Va'a.

Samara, Kaiona, and Kea sunbathing.

Playing wii, Just Dance Kids with Papa

Sharing a Mother's Day Smoothie... Justin and Tino made DELICIOUS wheat pancakes and smoothies to spoil us!

Samara feeling pretty in her new birthday outfit from Grammy and Papa, the little doll is a bargain-find of my mom's... only her bargain really was a bargain. :)
Happy 4th Birthday Samara!
Crazy Cousins!!! (The only way I could get them all to look at me!)
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