
Monday, February 27, 2012

Fall is here!

We enjoyed such beautiful weather this fall... and decided to embrace it and get outside.  Utah really does have a lot to offer.  It was fun to be with the girls out in nature.  On this trip we made tin foil dinners and s'mores (of course!).
S'more'n Samara!
This park is in Provo Canyon and includes a few rocks to climb... A very fun activity for 3 little monkeys.  :) 
Provo River on a warm autumn night.
I was excited about having older kids, and wanting to 'embrace Utah' begged Tino to go hiking.  (He is always saying that it just isn't his thing).  I checked the internet and found a hike that said it was a good family hike, Stewart Falls off the Alpine loop.  We headed out with a couple apples, granola bars, and 3 water bottles. 
It was SOOO beautiful.  All the leaves were changing colors, and the weather was just perfect.  We started at about 12:30 in the afternoon with smiles on our faces and walking sticks in our hands.  We saw A LOT of crazy haired catapillars, collected all sorts of colored leaves, and eventually found the waterfall!!!!
 It was MUCH longer of a hike than I had anticipated.   
By this time, we are beat and out of water. I actually thought about drinking from the river... but remembered the words of Bear Grylls and didn't. :) The girls were so tired, and the thought of turning around and hiking back really did seem impossible.  I considered calling in a helicopter...
Luckily for me, I have Superman.  :)  He swung a kid over his shoulders like a little piggy, and we headed back.
It's great to be the youngest!
We made it!  We got to the car at 5:30... Hungry, tired, and very proud of our 3 little troopers.  We asked if they wanted to go on a hike again...  they didn't seem too thrilled with the idea.  :)
~Happy Fall 2011~

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